A People of Excellence, Prepared for Christ’s Return.
Welcome to Blessed Christian Church
Decency and Excellence
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Welcome to the Blessed Christian Church, Mukono. Situated in Upper Kauga, a suburb in Mukono District, Blessed Christian Church (BCC) is a Bible based and believing Pentecostal church established in 1996 by the founding Elders Mr. Samuel Kaumi Snr and Mrs. Harriet Kaumi in obedience to prophetic instruction received in 1990. We greatly value the ministry of the Word of God as the basis and source of life and that that service to God must be carried out with excellence, decency and honor. We greatly value integrity, commitment as well as the institution of marriage and family. Matthew 5:8, “Blessed are the poor in heart for they shall see God” is our Church motto. Blessed Christian Church was commissioned to call nations to repentance and to prepare the body of Christ for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is being accomplished through organizing Missions, yearly Conferences, Charitable work, weekly services and many other activities in which lives of many people have been changed. The Senior Pastors, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Anne Kawumi have played a great role in expanding the kingdom of God through His word. The Church currently has sister churches in Lubugumu on Katosi road – Mukono District and Namutumba  and Butaleja districts.



Women\\\\\\\'s Fellowship

Join our female congregants as they fellowship, every Monday evening (05:00PM - 7:00PM).



Midweek Service

Join us for our Midweek Service every Tuesday evening (6:00PM - 8:00PM).



Midweek Overnight

Join us as we call upon the goodness of the LORD, into the morning hours (10:00PM - 03:00AM).



Bible Study

Thursdays see us come together as a community to get immersed in the good word. (6:00PM - 8:00PM)



Prayer Meeting

\\\\\\\'Lay your burdens unto me...\\\\\\\' Bring the fellowship to this gathering (07:00PM - 08:00PM).



General Overnight

Every last Friday of the month, we congregate into the early hours of the morning (10PM - 3:00AM).



Sunday Service

Join us for our First Service from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM and Second Service from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Explore our selection of inspirational leaders, each guiding their community with wisdom and compassion.

Vision: A People of Excellence, Prepared for Christ’s Return.

Core Values

The Word of God


Decency and Excellence

People and Family


Mission Statement: To call all nations to repentance and readiness for the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ through instruction in the Word of God, raising leaders and improving the quality of Life of the communities served.


We believe there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

We believe the Bible is the inspired and the only infallible and authoritative work of God, written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 

We believe in the deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to heaven and His personal future return to the world in power glory. 

We believe the only means by which a human being can be cleared from sin is by grace through Repentance and Faith in baptism through blood of Jesus Christ, followed by water baptism through immersion as an testimony of the works of grace done in the heart. 

We believe all believers should receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues to enable them to be effective for Christ. 

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+256 775 990 973 / 0759 123 124

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